На ЗАО “Granat” system delivered to “Donetskstal – MK”.
“Granat” system delivered to “Donetskstal – MK” in order to analyse total furnace gas at blast furnace # 2. The given system is the second one to be installed at this factory.
Тел: 8 (812) 388-38-14
8 (812) 388-34-33
Email: info@gas-granat.ru
Отдел продаж: market@gas-granat.ru
На ЗАО “Granat” system delivered to “Donetskstal – MK”.
“Granat” system delivered to “Donetskstal – MK” in order to analyse total furnace gas at blast furnace # 2. The given system is the second one to be installed at this factory.